About us


REBINA Group is the first entity in Romania in renewable energy field which will be also producer and solution and concept provider on thermo-electrical energy generating systems using renewable resources. By our experienced and professional staff and by the connections we have with very qualified specialists in this field from countries with significant tradition in such projects (Austria, Germany) REBINA Group represents the guarantee of appropriate investments, perfectly adapted for each application.

Our aim is to create the sustainable bases of the renewable energy production to contribute to the social and economic development of the communities where such investments will be established. By applying our slogan: “ENERGY. TODAY AND TOMORROW” we want to entrust and offer energetic independence to regional communities so that they should be able to use all resources in their area to cover the energetic and fuel needs.

The European Union will adopt by the end of 2010 a new directive concerning the support of bio-fuel and renewable resources energy production and will modify the target concerning the quota to be reached by each country.

This directive project will change completely the support system, passing from the current subventions for cultures used as raw materials and also for products to a system based upon a well defined calculation taking into account the reduction of Greenhouse Effect Gases (GHG) generated by agricultural works and production and the use of bio-fuels.

This system will mainly oblige farmers to use lands with a reduced content of carbon (wet and forest lands will be avoided), producers will use production technologies with reduced Greenhouse Gases (GHG), and the products resulted to engage a GHG reduction by comparison to the types of fuel used until now.